Captain Kong

Real Name: Angad Singh. Software Developer with 7+ years of experience specializing in building scalable web3 backend systems using Node.js, ethers.js, Express, Nest.js, Solidity, Docker, AWS and Heroku.


Architected and developed full-stack solutions for a Web3 Startup:

Created a Web3 Frontend application using React.js, Redux, Typescript and ethers.js.. Video of functionality:

Created an event based architecture where a Node.js Websockets server listened for blockchain events.

Deployed smart contracts on Ethereum using Solidity, Typescript and Hardhat:

Reply Guys

Built Web3 Application.
React.js website creates a new pfp, stores it in a Node.js backend, uses Twitter API and ETH wallet signature to check that user is using the correct pfp. If they are, they can collect NFTs on Polygon. Private code, can provide sample on request.

Home Shopping Europe

Architected solutions in AWS that processed tens of thousands of orders per hour during high traffic sales events. Created monitoring, alerting and response systems for these functions.

Integrated several payment service providers such as PayPal, Adyen etc.

Tech Blog

Send Emails Serverlessly with Node.js, Lambda and AWS SES

Set up scheduled tests with Testcafe, Gitlab CI and alerts on Slack

How to fully test a React component

Making a Web App offline compatible: State Persistence

Create your first Solidity library and publish it on NPM


Worked at as a full stock software engineer.

Created the React Native App for Mesh Education Inc. live here: iOS  App Store (Only Available in India)., Google Play Store.

A full stack application with an Express server that converts the SpaceX API to GraphQL. Found here.

A node package that lets users quickly start a new website project. Live here.

A node package that lets users get the correct typeof for Date, DOMNodes, Arrays etc. Live here.

Fully randomized single player BattleShips game made in Java for CLI. Found here.

Created mobile app for Echo Media Qatar. Open source version found here.

Coin slot machine game made in C# for CLI, using OOP. Found here.

A quiz editing tool I made for an organisation using React.js. Found here.